Oil Painting Supply List
Winsor Newton 37ml (student grade is best)
Permanent alizarin crimson
Cadmium red medium (not medium hue)
Cadmium yellow light
Cerulean blue
French ultramarine blue
SAP green
Burnt sienna
Titanium white
Odorless Mineral Spirits (best buy is 1 gal from Home Depot or Lowe's)
Signet Robert Simmons Bristle Brushes
Round #8
Round #4 (2)
Round #2 (2)
Bright #12
Filbert #4
Filbert #7
Connoisseur: #4 216 red sable round, #1 236 hog bristle filbert, #1 237 hog bristle round
Canvas needs determined in first class - prestretched canvas, canvas board, and prepared gessoed paper are available at the studio. Instructions for preparing gessoed paper will be available.
Items to bring from home - Paper towels, rags, 2 jars for mineral spirits
Other necessary items for class !!!
**Gamblin Galkyd Gel or Solvent Free Gel (for fast drying)
**Krylon 1306 workable fixative
**Design kneaded eraser #1224
**Coates willow charcoal 25 sticks medium
**Newsprint pad - rough - 18x24 50 sheet max
**Drawing board for newsprint
**Steve's painting medium - medium recipe available at studio
**These items are available at the studio or Rochester Art Supply